Join the IP Inclusive Midlands Network and hosts Marks & Clerk in Birmingham as they celebrate FOOD!

A keynote speech and panel discussion will look at inclusivity in office catering and corporate hospitality, touching on religious and cultural preferences, accommodating food allergies, and a more inclusive approach to alcohol.

Then there will be an opportunity for networking and eating! Please bring along a sample of your favourite food to share with others – preferably something that has cultural significance for you. Please also download and fill in this food card to share its significance to you and its ingredients and allergens, and bring it with you on the day.

Book now


17:00 – Arrival and registration

17:30 – Welcome and keynote speech from Saiful Khan, Potter Clarkson

Panel discussion – hosted by Riddhi Patel, Appleyard Lees

18:15 – Food, drinks and networking


The event will take place at the Birmingham office of Marks & Clerk, Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1TT.

Who's it for?

This event is for all UK-based IP professionals. We don’t mind where you work, what role you play there or what career level you’re at. You don’t need to be based in the Midlands, either – so long as you can find your way to Birmingham for the evening, you’re welcome to join us!


This event is free. So are all IP Inclsuive resources. TIf you enjoy the event please consider contributing. For more information, visit the IP Inclusive fundraising page.