Careers in Ideas
Careers in Ideas has been created to grow the interest in a career within the IP professions amongst a wider and more diverse audience.

An initiative to inspire the next generation into a career in intellectual property (IP) was officially launched in 2018.
Careers in Ideas has been created to grow the interest in a career within the IP professions amongst a wider and more diverse audience. It aims to support and inspire anyone who might consider an IP career and those who support them in their choices including careers advisers, teachers and parents
The resources created by the initiative will be used in schools and for careers advisors and includes and information booklet, a poster and a presentation. The website also contains a host of materials to inspire individuals interested in their own careers choices.
An offshoot of the IP Inclusive initiative, Careers in Ideas has received a broad range of support from across the IP profession.
IP Inclusive was the brainchild of a group of businesses who, under the umbrella of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA), Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA), the IP Federation (IP FED), and the UK association of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI-UK), who were looking for ways to encourage ever greater diversity in the sector and to help young people make informed choices about careers in intellectual property.