April Parker: Your new Student Rep
We are delighted to welcome April Parker into the role of Student Representative, following her recent selection.

April succeeds Gail Nicol, who held the post since April 2022.
Discussing her goals for her term in this role, April said: “As well as voicing student concerns, my priority over the next two years will be setting up trainee networking events to bring the junior levels of the profession closer together.
In her role as Student Representative, April will attend Council meetings, and will be responsible for ensuring that the voice and feelings of CITMA’s student members are heard in Council.
The role plays a key part in ensuring that Council’s decision-making reflects Student concerns.
April is a Trainee Trade Mark Attorney at Bird & Bird. Prior to commencing her training contract, she worked as a paralegal at Stobbs.
She graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2021 with a first-class LLB. Her next step in her training is the QMUL Trade Mark Law and Practice course, which she will commence later this year.
April also runs a blog, According To A Law Student (ATALS). This was awarded the Santander Universities Summer Enterprise Grant for its innovative approach towards e-learning.
Following her selection, April said: “I am delighted to be selected as the new CITMA Student Representative and I can’t wait to engage with fellow student members over the next two years.
“I am eager to be involved in discussions relating to the future of the trade mark profession from the early stages of my career and advocate for student-level CITMA members throughout their qualification journey.
“Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns."