CITMA presents: The 2nd Edition of Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings

24th Oct 2023

We are proud to announce the publication of the much-anticipated and greatly updated 2nd edition of Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings, authored by Michael Edenborough KC.

Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings by Michael Edenborough

Aimed at CITMA members and intellectual property lawyers, this comprehensive 700-page guide is a valuable resource for anyone navigating contentious trade mark matters in the UK.

An essential guide for trade mark practitioners

The 2nd edition of Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings is an extensive and updated guide designed to aid both new and seasoned practitioners in their understanding of the practice and procedure associated with contested ex parte and inter partes matters within the UK registry. The book serves a dual purpose: it offers a comprehensive introduction for newcomers to the field, while also providing in-depth guidance on complex issues that may arise during fully disputed matters.

What's new in the 2nd edition?

This edition, in particular, stands out for its wealth of new content. Readers can expect to find an abundance of case law and discussions on various issues, covering advanced scenarios and quoting all principal rules. Additionally, it includes the text of most Trade Mark Practice Notes (TPNs) for quick and easy reference, making it an indispensable resource for trade mark practitioners.

Author Michael Edenborough KC, with his extensive experience in handling trade mark matters before the UK registry, adds a valuable perspective to the guide. He has been involved in numerous trade mark cases before the UK registry, Appointed Person, and High Court, giving him a unique insight into the intricacies of contentious trade mark proceedings.

Comparing the 1st edition to the new one Michael Edenborough KC said: “The second edition does much more. It is aimed not only at the new entrant but also at the experienced Trade Mark Attorney, and so as well as guiding someone new, it seeks to achieve a second objective of satiating the curiosity of an established practitioner. The fact that the second edition now has two objectives is reflected in its length, which is more than double that of the first edition.

Comprehensive coverage

'Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings' delves into a broad spectrum of topics relevant to trade mark practitioners, including:

Drafting statements of case in opposition, revocation, invalidity, and rectification proceedings.

  • Preparing and presenting evidence.
  • Handling interim applications.
  • Conducting hearings.
  • Appealing to the Appointed Person and High Court.
  • Awarding of costs.
  • Prematurely ending and settling proceedings.

Ian Bartlett, Beck Greener and Chair of the CITMA Law & Practice Committee said: “Michael Edenborough’s book is a tour de force. No stone or fragment of IPO law and practice in this area appears to have been left unturned or unexamined.  This updated edition is replete with practical guidance built on Michael’s huge experience in this technical and highly specialised area.  

“It is an invaluable resource both for the seasoned practitioner and those just cutting their teeth. I recommend it highly.”

How to get your copy

The 2nd edition of 'Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings' is available in hardback format, featuring some 700 pages of invaluable insights. It is available exclusively from the CITMA website.

You can secure your copy by visiting our shop and choosing your preferred payment method, whether it's by credit card or invoice. This publication promises to be an indispensable resource for CITMA members and all intellectual property lawyers seeking guidance on contentious trade mark matters in the UK.

For those eager to learn more about the added value of this expanded guide:


Get your go-to guide

Tom Hooper finds much to recommend in the latest CITMA publication.

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Bigger and better

The second edition of Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings is coming soon. Author Michael Edenborough KC explains the added value of this latest version.

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