IP Inclusive's next women in IP coffee date will give you the opportunity to build contacts and find relaxation in a friendly environment.

Held in conjunction with Women in IP Chicago (ChiWIP), this event will be a great opportunity to network with international IP professionals, continuing to develop friendships and professional links.

This event will likely be held as a single online event with discussions taking place in smaller breakout rooms to give you plenty of chance to chat. If you’d be willing to facilitate one of the breakouts, please contact Emily Teesdale from the Women in IP committee.

More information and booking details for this event will be available soon. For now, please save the date.


This event will be free, as are all of IP Inclusive's resources. This is important in order to keep IP Inclusive the right side of the paywall.

However, continuing to run IP Inclusive is expensive.

If you enjoy the event please consider contributing to the 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, the crowdfunding page is here.

For more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit the general fundraising page here.